How to display radio buttons horizontally and create tab from selected radio button value in Lightning Aura Components Salesforce | How to display radio button value in aura:component using JavaScript component controller Salesforce

2 min readJun 28, 2022


Hey guys, today in this post we are going to learn about How to display radio buttons horizontally and create tab from selected radio button value in Lightning Aura Components Salesforce.

A ui:inputRadio component represents a radio button whose state is controlled by the value and disabled attributes. It’s rendered as an HTML input tag of type radio. To apply Lightning Design System styling, we recommend that you use lightning:radioGroup instead of ui:inputRadio.

To group your radio buttons together, specify the name attribute with a unique name. To know more details about ui:inputRadio, Click Here →.

Files we used to display radio buttons horizontally in aura:component →


Lightning Component

It is used to display radio buttons horizontally in lightning component


JavaScript Controller

It is hold Javascript click function to show/hide container based on radio buttons value.

Lightning Application

It is used to call the component and preview on browser.

Final Output → Get source code live demo..

Other related post that would you like to learn in LWC

Create Lightning Component →

Step 1:- Create Lightning Component : CustomRadioButtonCmp.cmp

From Developer Console >> File >> New >> Lightning Component

CustomRadioButtonCmp.cmp [Lightning Component File]

Create JavaScript Controller →

Step 2:- Create Lightning Component : CustomRadioButtonCmpController.js

From Developer Console >> File >> New >> Lightning Component >> JavaScript Controller

CustomRadioButtonCmpController.js [JavaScript Controller]

Create Lightning Application →

Step 3:- Create Lightning Application :

From Developer Console >> File >> New >> Lightning Application [Component Application File]

Further post that would you like to learn in LWC FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Final Output → Get source code live demo..

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Originally published at on June 28, 2022.

