How to include header and footer in all pages uses of JavaScript function in HTML file | How to include header and footer in html file without php | How to load header and footer using Javascript and HTML

3 min readApr 30, 2023


Hey guys, today in this post we are going to learn about How to include header and footer in all pages uses of JavaScript function in HTML file.

Final Output:- How to include header and footer in all pages uses of JavaScript function in HTML file

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Create HTML

Step 1:- Create HTML : include.html

include.html [HTML File]

Create HTML

Step 2:- Create HTML : product.html

product.html [HTML File]

Create HTML

Step 3:- Create HTML : about.html

about.html [HTML File]

Create HTML

Step 4:- Create HTML : contact.html

contact.html [HTML File]

Create HTML

Step 5:- Create HTML : product_1.html

product_1.html [HTML File]

Create JavaScript

Step 6:- Create JavaScript : common.js

common.js [JavaScript Controller]

Create LWC Style CSS

Step 7:- Create Style CSS : stylesheet.css

stylesheet.css [Style CSS]

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How to include header file in JavaScript?

To include an external JavaScript file, we can use the script tag with the attribute src . You’ve already used the src attribute when using images. The value for the src attribute should be the path to your JavaScript file. This script tag should be included between the

tags in your HTML document.

Should JavaScript include header or footer?

Javascript should be placed in footer of html document wherever possible. For libraries like jQuery we don’t often have a choice as there may be some other javascript code which depends on that. But we should design site in such a way that maximum javascript code is placed in the end.

How to create new header in JavaScript?

The headerCreate() method creates a header element using the createElement() method upon document object and assigns it to variable h. It then calls the appendChild() method on the document body to append the header as a child to document body.

Final Output:- How to include header and footer in all pages uses of JavaScript function in HTML file


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Categories Tags JQuery, How do I add a header and footer in HTML, How do you import a header and footer in HTML, how to add header and footer for a printing page using, How to add header and footer in JavaScript, how to combine HTML pages with the same header, how to include a header and footer file in every html page, how to include a header to my HTML from another, how to include header and footer in html, how to include header and footer in html file without php, how to include header and footer in html page using jquery, How to include header file in JavaScript, html include header in all pages, html include html from external file without javascript, include header html file in html, Should JavaScript include header or footer, w3-include-htmlTutorial

Originally published at on April 30, 2023.

